It is me, Milo.

It is me, Milo.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hot Roddin!

We went to a hot rod cruise today.  Got to sit in Daddy's TBucket and take pictures.  One of these days, we'll take a real professional picture in it.  Lol.  Anyway, here's Emmy and me sittin in Daddy's car....
 Here's me and Daddy.
 There was a little girl there who loved us.  She kept petting us and playing with us and running with us.  I supposedly tried peein on her though.  What?  I would NEVER do that!  Right?  You believe me!  Don'tcha?  Momma says she has it on video.  You'll believe me then, right?!  : ).. 
Here's some videos of us playin in the grass.. 
And here's the one where I tried peein on the little girl....  I really didn't do it!  Honest!  I was aiming for the grass!  Don'tcha believe me?!  : )..  I promise!  I wouldn't do anything like that!  I'm a good boy!  Honest.  Really.  Seriously!  Why are you laughing at me?  You be the judge.
What?  Really?  You said I tried?  I was aiming..  Alright..  Yeah..  I tried peein on the girl.  Lol.
Sorry little girl!  : )..  I'm a boy.  I gotta go when and where I gotta go.  Grass, little girls, Emmy, whatever's in the way.  Lol.  You got me.  I'm embarassed.  I'm gonna go hide now.  Later tators!

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